Monday, August 11, 2008

Lariam Induced Dreams: Installment 1

Because Cambodia is a malaria risk, Ryan and I are taking anti-malarial medications. Ryan opted for the ordinary daily version with few side effects, while I chose to enhance my adventure (and your reading pleasure) with Lariam, the weekly medication with wonderful side effects such as hallucinations and vivid dreams. My first one involved a photo shoot with myself and some other guy, each of us wearing one half of a kangaroo suit. I was the top half, but I had no kangaroo head. The shoot was taking place on the world's tallest cliff. My job was to lie on my stomach, grab this bizarre handle below and hang upside-down from the cliff like I was in a handstand, but hanging over the edge. This was, of course, very scary... I was trying REALLY hard to smile and make the photo come out nicely, but it was really hard to balance up there like that (especially in half a kangaroo suit) and I inevitably lost my grip and plummeted towards a river below. Luckily I woke up before I hit the ground... :)


Jeff said...

Hi Anne. I will be following your blog with interest as I will be there in December. Is everyone taking malaria drugs? Uncle Jeff

Anne said...

Hi Jeff,
Both Ryan and I are, although the doctor at the hospital said today that noone there does and that noone ever gets malaria. It isn't in town, or in most of Cambodia unless you plan on sleeping overnight in a forest. The doctor recommended we stop taking them because the side effects would be worse than the risk of getting malaria. I think we're going to stay on them because so far the side effects haven't been too bad.

Shivalika said...

you just made my whole week with that dream story. keep them coming!!! HILARIOUS!!!